St John Ambulance volunteers support the national COVID-19 vaccination program

Following the collaboration with the Malta Health Network and SOS Malta for contact tracing efforts, St John Malta is once again collaborating with these entities also in the COVID-19 vaccination program. St John Ambulance volunteers were trained and successfully assessed by the Infection Control Unit of Mater Dei Hospital. Strict…

Passing away of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh is announced by Buckingham Palace

St John Ambulance Malta are deeply saddened by the loss of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family, especially Her Majesty The Queen, the Sovereign Head of the Venerable Order of St John. Buckingham Palace announce the death of the Duke of Edinburgh…

Chief Justice Emeritus J.J. Cremona KStJ, passes away at age 102.

25 December 2020 The Commissioner, Officers and members of St John Ambulance (First Aid & Nursing) are deeply saddened by the loss of Chief Justice Emeritus J.J. Cremona. He will be remembered for the contribution given to the organization. He is in our he is our thoughts and prayers. Link: JJ…


15 December 2020 Link: STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-INTERN, IS-SIGURTÀ NAZZJONALI U L-INFURZAR TAL-LIĠI Tissaħħaħ il-ħidma mal-NGOs fis-settur tas-salvataġġ ( Il-Ministeru għall-Intern, is-Sigurtà Nazzjonali u l-Infurzar tal-Liġi kompla jsaħħaħ il-kollaborazzjoni ma’ għaqdiet volontarji li jaħdmu fis-settur tas-salvataġġ. Dawn l-għaqdiet mhux biss isibu ċ-ċans ta’ koperazzjoni, partikolarment mad-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili, iżda ngħataw ukoll għotja…

St John Ambulance volunteers lend a hand in contact tracing

Volunteers for COVID-19 response team being managed by Malta Health Network in collaboration with St John Ambulance. Our volunteers have attended 131 hours of contact tracing during November 2020. St John Ambulance urges the general public to care for each other by keeping in line with the directives given out…

Investiture of grades in the Order of St John

On Monday, 10 October 2016, twenty-eight St John volunteers and members of the public were honoured for their contribution to the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem (The Order of St John). The Chancellor of the Order Dr Patrick Burgess OBE, GCStJ, DL. presided over…

Inspection by HE Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, the President during St John’s Day Commemoration

The values of love and respect that is tied with voluntary work were the main subject of the message conveyed by HE the President Mrs Marie Louise Coleiro Preca to the members of St John Ambulance and St John Rescue during the opening of the St John’s Day. This event…